
Indeed, the education that the School provides, with its politically liberal culture, enables its students to integrate within their home communities in Pakistan, as well as in the countries and communities abroad to which they ultimately bring their professional skills and expertise. The Parachinar Model School District Kurram maintains a balance of National best practice and, by so doing, provides a curriculum that meets the needs of children and young people in the modern world.
Our philosophy aims to encourage students, in the best learning environments we are able to provide, to be confident, articulate, and actively engaged with the world around them. We want them to achieve their maximum academic and social potential, to be engaged and responsive learners – in other words, to be the best they can be. At the same time, the education we provide must enable our students to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges of the rapidly changing world – including the need to make the best of what they know and to keep on learning. Our students today must be prepared to engage with economic change, including the continued globalization of the economy and society, and with the rapid expansion of communication technologies.
Our education must also reaffirm our commitment to the traditional values – to the virtues of truth, justice, honesty, trust and a sense of duty.


1. Curricular activities

a. Syllabus

oxford series from the class playgroup upto class 7th and for higher class the course syllabus is according to KPK (English medium)


The monthly tests and examination will be held as per schedule during the academic year.

c. Monthly tests

1.  April
2.  May
3.  June
4.  August
5.  September
6.  October

d. Examinations

1.  Midterm Exam (July)
2.  Annual Exam (December)
3.  Pre Board Exam November (FOR 9TH AND 10TH ONLY)

The proper syllabus and schedule are given to the students before each test and exam.


  • Monthly tests are held throughout the academic year in April, May, June, August, September and October.
  • A fine of Rs. 20 is charged if student absents himself/herself from the monthly test without any genuine reason.
  • All tests will be conducted according to the schedule which is issued by the controller of examinations before each monthly test.
  • Students are not allowed to give tests in advance or after the monthly test schedule or even before or after the concerned period.
  • There is no monthly test for class playgroup.
  • Two examinations are conducted each year, midterm in July and annual examination in December.
  • All monthly tests credit marks, midterm exam credit marks and daily attendance credit marks will be added to the annual examination.
  • If a student fails in securing less than 50 % marks shall be considered fail.
  • In case of failure no chance will be given for re-examination.
  • A student of 9th and 10th must be appeared in detention/pre-board examination of the school.

Co-curricular activities

To explore, enhance and polish the talents and potentials of its students in different co-curricular fields, the school organizes different events like Debates Competition, Dramas Competition, Science and Art exhibition, Annual Prize Distribution day, all National Days and farewell party etc.



The school has managed for a number of indoor and outdoor games for the students. The drill masters coach the students during a regular period for games on the timetable. The school provides facilities for playing football, cricket, volleyball, badminton and athletics etc. Each year the sports week is celebrated in the school with great enthusiasm and interest.


School Discipline


All the teachers must obey the following rules and regulations.

  • They must come on time to the school and must attend the assembly in order to control and arrange the students.
  • They must go to their related classes on time in order to control and teach the students on time.
    The doors of class rooms must be opened during teaching.
  • Teachers must speak English or Urdu with the students in the school and make the students to speak English or Urdu in the school.
  • No teacher is allowed to send or leave the student without the proper official permission of the administrators (Principal, Chief Proctor).
  • No teacher is allowed to charge fine over students without the administrators.
  • No teacher is allowed to write “leave or absent for the absent students in the attendance register without the proper official permission of the administrators.
  • An application which is incorrect and is not signed by the student’s guardian must not be recommended.
  • An application which is correct and is signed by the student’s guardian should be recommended by the class incharge and must be refer to the administrators (Principal, Chief Proctor).
  • No teacher is allowed to cancel a proctor from the selected proctors or to appoint an new proctor without the proper permission of the administrators. (Principal, Chief Proctor)
  • All the class incharges are responsible to maintain the discipline of the students of their related classes as well as to arrange their related class rooms.
  • It is the responsibility of all the class incharges to prepare the students of their related classes for (Speech, Recitation of the Holy Quran, Presenting National anthem, Poems and other activities)
  • It the responsibility of all the class incharges to maintain the register of their related classes and to collect monthly absence fine on specific time.
  • All the teachers are responsible to give full attention to the students (Study, Reading, Writing, Speaking Skills and to make the students to work hard).
  • All the teachers must assign home work to the students regularly.
  • All the teachers are responsible to make the students regular and punctual.
  • It is the responsibility of the teacher to make the students to switch off the lights and fans, shut the windows and close the doors of the class rooms after leaving the class rooms.
  • All the class incharges are responsible to inspect the students as well as the class rooms on Monday and refer report to chief proctor.
  • It is the responsibilities of the heads of the sections to manage arranged classes which are related to their sections.
  • The heads of the sections must present weekly progress reports about the students of those classes which are related to their sections.
  • Nobody is allowed to go outside the school without the proper official permission of the administrators.
  • All the teachers must not leave the class rooms until all the students leave the class rooms when the school lasts.
  • All the teachers must not leave the school until all the students leave the school.
  • All class incharge are directed to hand over the monitoring of their classes to proctors in the absence of teachers.
  • Teachers should avoid playing with students in the school time.

    School Proctorial board

    The school Proctorial board, comprising a chief proctor, staff members and senior students help in maintaining discipline in the school. Under the supervision of the Principal and the Chief Proctor a number of student proctors are selected from different classes for each session. The proctors have the responsibility to maintain the discipline in the school.

    In this regard, they have to see that the following rules are strictly observed by the students.

    • Pasting of stickers and writing the slogans on the walls is prohibited.
    • Disfiguring or damaging the school or private property in the campus is strictly prohibited.
    • Leaving the school without permission is forbidden.
    • Half day leave is allowed only if the parents or guardians come to the school personally.

    Students are not allowed to bring the following items,

    • Mobile phone, iphone, internet tablet, media player.
    • Any type camera, pictures and videos or movies etc.
    • Memory cards, and flash memory CDs and DVDs.
    • Tape recorders, radio and other electronic devices.
    • Ornaments, cosmetics.
    • Knives and things related to weapons
    • Snuff, cigarettes, drugs, medicine etc
    • Mufflers and caps, colorful socks and colorful belts.

    Proctors have the authority to check and observe students and report to the chief proctor/Principal, if they are found breaking the school rules or misbehaving.



    A fine of Rs. 10 per absentee per day shall be imposed.
    The name of student shall be removed from school withdrawal after 6 days of consecutive absence.
    Re-admission will be allowed on genuine reason after payment of admission dues, provided the request for the same to the Principal within a month of the notification of removal.
    A students struck off twice the school roll shall not be allowed to take re-admission.

    Leave rules

    A written application should be sent to the Principal by the student in time, must be signed by their parents.
    Sick leave for more than three days can be granted only on producing a medical certificate duly signed by medical officer of AHQ Hospital Parachinar.


    The school uniform consists of white shirt with gray pants, black socks and black school shoes, badge pressed on shirt and school tie for boys.
    The girl’s uniform consists of grey shirt, white shalwar white dupatta, black socks and black school shoes.
    Royal blue sleeveless sweaters and Royal blue coat is common to boys and girls in winter.