Mrs. Akbar Nisa (Principal)
I am honored to be the part of this prestigious educational system Parachinar Model School District Kurram (Governor’s Model School Parachinar) that provokes critical thinking and innovative approach to learning. we focus to foster character attributes such as conscientiousness, assiduousness, respect and responsibility.
our goal is to develop each individual, his/her skills to his/her maximum potentials for the contribution of modern and challenging world education has no boundaries and no limits to end, it’s a lifelong process and Parachinar Model School is just a little strive towards it.
Parachinar Model School is providing the best possible learning environment; our focus is on academic excellence under the shadow of our Islamic values and beliefs.
we encourage our students to believe in themselves, achieving knowledge and gain social skills in order to become successful exigent socialization. I expect that our students will become good Muslims, contributing to our community as result of their nurturing at Parachinar Model School District Kurram.